Sunday, December 13, 2015

Body Sculpture

I originally wanted to make my body sculpture primarily of sand and found objects at the beach and tried multiple times to capture the tide changing my sculpture by washing it away. This is a photo from my first attempt.

Final body Sculpture

The idea evolved over time to something I could control more, but still had the same concept of my sculpture disappearing and leaving me nude. I got inspiration form Yoko Ono's Cut Piece and Marina Abromavics Rhythm 0. I reversed the video because I thought it was more interesting to view it backwards and gave it a more magical effect, making it less obvious what was actually happening. The song "Sip o Poison" by Cherry Glazzer is the music in the background which I chose because it has a similar sound to the hair dryer which was the actual noise this project mad and I get an empowering feminist feel from the lyrics.

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